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Why MeetToMatch – the San Francisco Edition, during the largest trade show of Northern America in gaming?
For the third year, MeetToMatch is uniting all games industry professionals in San Francisco in an easy, relevant and cost-effective way. New this edition is the option of using our platform for the full 5 days!
Two important pointers:
- No need for a GDC pass to be able to participate. If any of themeeting partners has no access to Moscone center, an external meeting location with tables and chairs will be assigned (8 minutes from Moscone center). MeetToMatch would still recommend getting a GDC pass for the best experience.
- If you have a default meeting location such as a Hotel lobby/room or a GDC booth, you can set this as your default meeting location. You can share this during your Eventbrite checkout, or share this later over email with MeetToMatch.
Sign up and make the best use of your San Francisco visit this year too!
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/meettomatch-the-san-francisco-edition-2020-registration-73084901909.