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Visas sapkad turinys

  1. Pagaliau nulaužtas Slimas Tiesa pakolkas nėra firmware bet sėkmingai galima key ikišti i senesnio modelio DVD-ROMa. Viskas išbandyta - tikrai veikia. Problema tik viena - sunku ikšt sena DVD-ROMa i Slima (reik aplaužit šonus ) Naujo DVDROMo foto:
  2. Na stai vel nauja versija 1.1 idomu kuo skiriasi nuo ankstesnes http://twitter.com/TeamJungle palyginus failus skiriasi dviejose vietose LiteOn_iXtreme_LT_v1.1.rar
  3. Atsirisa visi Xboxai net ir pagaminti po 2009-08menesio, tik kaina atrisimo brangesne
  4. bandziau ant banintos tai rodo console bannedtik idomu yra kam nors kur banned bet hdd veikia? ir koks pas jumis kernelis (pirmas skaicius apacioje D:2.0.8955)
  5. 1. atsisiunciam programele ir paleidziam 2. isijungiam xboxa ir einam i console settings ->system info -> 3. i 1 laukeli vedam serijini numeri i antra 16 simboliu koda kuris apacioje po "x:" 4. spaudziam decrypt ir rezultata matom arba "Secdata is Clean" arba "console baned", jei kazkoks kitas atsakymas kazka negerai ivedete XVal_v2.0.zip
  6. Siandien bandziau dvi konsoles jungti i online viena gavo bana, o kita ne Ta kur gavo zmogus nesijunge i live 3 dienas nes labai bijojo bano, suformatavo hdd bet padarius network test iskart issoko lentele ir pasiule siusti informacija i microsoft. Atsakiau kad nenoriu siust sekantis zingsnis issoko lentele su tais uzrasais kad banned.(dashboard versija 2.0.8955) kita taip pat bandant network test iskart siule instaliuoti updeita, bet atsisakiau. ir viskas praejo laimingai.(dashboard versija ) taip kad greiciausiai microsoftas per updeitus kazkoki bruda ikisa su kuriuo aptinka kazkokiu budu kad modifikuota konsole.
  7. nezinau ar as cia teisingai galvoju, bet jei zaisi atjunges kabeli nuo konsoles tai neturetu buti bano.tik veliau reiktu istrinti profili ir padaryti recovery gamertag. siaip zaidziau forza3 bet bano negavau nors vakar apdalino microsoftas XBL Account Bans, Unauthorized Storage Devices Blocked In New Dash, Wave4 Update
  8. turintiems 1,51 versija panasu kad problemu nebus, o su 1,6 teks nešti pas meistra kai tik bus nauja firmware arba naudoti activator diska. Linkas Once again, Microsoft has started including the most recent major Dashboard Update on new game discs. This time it is the recent Summer/Fall 09 update which brings the NXE dash to 8498, closing the exploit used for the Free60 JTAG/SMC XeLL (Linux homebrew) hack. The first game confirmed to have this update on the disc is Cars Race-O-Rama. They added the new update into the video partition on the disc, which makes the partition larger than it always has been on older games. Previously there were 3 known good sizes for the video partition, they were known as wave1, wave2 and wave3. One of the security features in all iXtreme firmware (except 1.51) is a check on the size of the video partition to make sure it matches one of the known waves. The firmware will not boot any game that does not match a known wave, this is done to prevent booting bad backups and getting banned on Live. Since this new game has a larger video partition that does not match any of the 3 known waves, it does not boot. This new game with the larger video partition is the start of "wave4" and our hacked firmware will need to be updated to accept this new size as a good value. The ETA for this new firmware is unknown. All drives will need to be updated to the new firmware once it's released in order to play backups of new games! * If the switch from wave2 to wave3 last year is any indication, there will be short cross-over period starting now where new games being released will be a mix of wave3 and wave4. After that it's safe to assume all new games will be wave4 going forward. * If you have a Samsung, BenQ or Lite-On 74850c drive you could choose to downgrade to iXtreme 1.51 to boot wave4 games. iXtreme 1.51 did not check the size of the video partition so it will boot any wave. iXtreme 1.6 brought the checks back for better security, but c4e coded a workaround into iXtreme 1.6 that allows "one shot" booting of non-stealth or unknown sized discs (new waves). To do this you use the 0800 disc (activate.iso) that is available on this site and is also included with the iXtreme 1.6 firmware. Additional details on usage are in the iXtreme 1.6 README file. Obviously this method may not be safe for Xbox Live and should be used offline only and at your own risk. abgx360 will also need to be updated to recognize the new wave4 size. Once again, the ETA for this new firmware is unknown. Please don't bother asking for an ETA as this is all of the information we have at this time, we'll update the site as we know more.
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