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MadenX Pranešimai

  1. Na va.. įdėjau visą pack'ą į LM ir.. ilgai netruko - gavau eilinį ban'ą ;)

    Nemėgsta manęs LM.


    Po 6 metų ir 40TB upload'o.. jiems pradėjau nebeįtikti :)

    Pakvietimai į LM - visada welcome :)


    Ne į temą

    Tai kas tas kul1naras? Kiek supratau tu, nes labai itartinai jau atrodo.

  2. Nelabai supratau kodėl? Paaiškinkit!


    Senesni xbox'ai negales paleist nauju zaidimu (aisku ne visi, bet kai kurie). Kaip naujienoj rase, jog tai jau nutiko vienam zmogui ( o jis turejo pro 60gb 2009 metu) ir jam pasake jog pakeis i Xbox 360 S 250gb. Ir zada taip visiem daryt kuriem neveiks, bet Lietuvoj... nieko gero.

  3. Ne į temą

    Tie turetu buti visiski debilai kurie zaidzia prisijunge i live pries isleidima :P O MP nera?


    Ne į temą

    Nesvarbu prisijunges losi ar neprisijunges vistiek yra gresme bana gaut visada. Ir nevisiem zinok tas live svarbus, kiti ta live tenaudoja kokiom demo atsisiust ar ten kodekam kinu. Nera MP L.A. Noire ir jis tam zaidimui net netiktu.

  4. Gal yra kokiu ziniu ar L.A. Noire turi naujaja M$ apsauga?


    Ne į temą

    Paziurek virsuj gi. Yra ABGX pic ir nieko nera. Beto kaip gali turet jei tas update dar net neisleistas.

  5. Ne į temą

    Jau jis senai turi. Jau Vakar ryte sita nuotrauka buvo papostinta, bet jis neuploadina nes prastas interneto greitis ir vakar turejo pas ji atvaziuot vienas zmogus kuris butu paemes kopija ir uploadines, bet daugiau jokios info nera. Ai, dabar pamaciau ta kita thread, kad jau uploadina. Na bent jau pagaliau paeme is jo kopija :)

  6. Matai ta žinute ne iš oficialios svetainės.Ms puslapi ar xbox puslapi nieko nerašo XBL taip pat.So?Čia dar neaišku viskas.


    Na bet ir yra didesne tikimybe jog taip bus. Seniau praita menesi vienas zmogus rase, jog jam ten pazystamas pasake kad iseis geguzes 19d, bet niekas netikejo. O dabar svetaines pradejo skleist gandus su screenshot jog iseis 19-30d. Jei nori tikslios datos, tai jos nera. Yra tik sita kol kas.

  7. L.A. Noire Achievement List


    Asphalt Jungle 15G

    Chase down and tackle a fleeing suspect on foot as an LAPD Detective.

    Traffic Stop 15G

    Disable a suspect vehicle with help from your partner.

    Not So Hasty 15G

    Stop a fleeing suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective.

    Shamus To The Stars 80G

    Complete all story cases with a five star rating.

    The Brass 30G

    Achieve maximum rank.

    The Plot Thickens 15G

    Find and solve an inspection puzzle.

    Golden Boy 15G

    Clear a case finding every clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

    The Straight Dope 15G

    Use evidence to prove a lie as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

    One For The File 15G

    Find and inspect a clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

    The City Of The Angels 80G

    Reach 100% Game Complete.

    The Up And Up 30G

    Complete a story case with a five star rating.

    The Long Arm Of The Law 30G

    Complete all street crime cases.

    A Cop On Every Corner 15G

    Complete a single street crime case.

    Johnny On The Spot 30G

    Respond to 20 street crime cases.

    Public Menace 30G

    Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.

    The Moose 15G

    Follow Candy Edwards without using cover or incognito, except when starting or picking up the tail.

    Star Map 15G

    Discover all landmark locations around the city.

    The Third Degree 30G

    Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.

    The Hunch 30G

    Use four intuition points in a single interview session, correctly branching each question.

    Auto Fanatic 30G

    Drive every vehicle in the city.

    Hollywoodland 30G

    Find and inspect all gold film reels.

    Auto Collector 15G

    Drive 40 different vehicles.

    Keep A Lid On 15G

    Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.

    Auto Enthusiast 15G

    Drive 5 different vehicles.

    Lead Foot 15G

    Keep the needle above 80mph for more than ten seconds while driving.

    Miles On The Clock 15G

    Drive more than 194.7 miles.

    Magpie 80G

    Find and inspect 95% of all clues.

    The Shadow 15G

    Tail a suspect without being spotted, in a single case.

    Roscoe And Friends 15G

    Kill at least one bad guy with every gun.

    Wooden Overcoats 30G

    Bring down a total of 30 bad guys with head shots.

    Dead Men Are Heavier 15G

    Shoot and kill a total of 100 bad guys.

    Ir dar 9 neatskleisti secret achievements/trophies.