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Visas SolidSnake turinys

  1. Kojima productions pranese, kad sis MGS4 virselis yra taip vadinamas "dummy cover". Tai reiskia, kad tai nera galutinis virselio dizainas ir jis nebus naudojamas galutineje zaidimo versijoje. Sis virselis turbut bus pakeistas I koki screenshot'a is pacio zaidimo manyciau, nors man sis virselis tikrai ispudingai atrodo...
  2. Sis bundle nekainuos 700 euru ar 600 euru TODEL, kad sis komplektas net nebus isleistas Europoje!!! Tai reiskia, kad bus tik viena kaina 499$ Amerikoj! Tai reiskia, kad nei Lietuva, nei kitos Europos valstybes negaus siuo PS3 net ir uz 1000$. Tiesiog niekas Europoje siuo bundle neplatins, nes ten bus komplektuotas NTSC tipo PS3 kuris neatitinka Europos voltago. Tad, techniskai tai neimanoma butu naudoti siuo PS3 Europoje, nebent pirktum converteri. Dabar aisku?
  3. Ne į temą Aha.. Jauciu kaip tavo megstamiausias game RE5... Ypac, kad dar neisejas ir net ne ant psone ar PC...
  4. Kodel? Nenori xbox360 vs PS3 karo ar panasiai? PS3 jau seniai nebebrangus ir gali ji palyginus pigiai gauti. Xbox elite su pribumbasais daug daugiau kainuotu, bet nusiflashint galetum uztat. Kadangi man nulauzimas nerupi, nes as amseniskai pries piratavima. Ant PS3 taip pat zaidimu pilna tik spek ir pirk. Manau pagrindinis klausimas tau butu pirkti PS3 ar xbox360.
  5. Koki editiona uzsisakiai? Special edition gal? Ir kiek kainavo su express shippingu? Viso apie 300lt jo?
  6. Kiek zinau startinis MGO bus kartu su MGS4, o papildomus mapus reikes siustis is PSN store. Del to US ar EU tai nezinau dar.
  7. As zaisciau COD4 arba Motorstorm. Gal kas turi NBA 2k8? Irgi idomu butu palost.
  8. Cia taip iseina ijungi ta kabeli i monitoriu ir PS3 ir tada gauni 1080p vaizda?
  9. Uzbanina tikrai daug zmoniu. Kiek skaiciau tai tukstanciais. Xbox'o online yra xbox360 siela, jei uzbanina tai nieko gero.
  10. As kai pirkau PS3 is USA tai man siunte per Priority Air Mail registruotu. Tiesa, siuntimas kainavo 100$. Gal kas zinot per kiek laiko atsiuncia zaidima is hmv?
  11. PS3 manau turetu irgi atlauzti kadanors.. Nors kaip sakau, atlauzimas tai nei minusas nei pliusas mano akyse. Nors kaikam labai svarbu, tai nezinau.
  12. As turiu USA, JAP accountus ir visur naudojau netikrus emailus liktais...
  13. Norejau paklausti ar PS2 zaidimo versija lygiai tokai pat kaip PS3 versija? (neskaitant grafikos skirtumo...)
  14. Tesingai del banu. PS3 online tobuleja, bet dar ne xbox360 lygio. Gal greitu metu pasivys.
  15. Pirmiausia paklausk saves kokius zaidimus zadi zaisti... Jei megsti geimus kaip Halo, GOW ir t.t tai imk xbox360 yra nemazai neblogu geimu. Iseina truputeli pigiau nei PS3 is pradziu, tik saugok, kad neperkaistu nes gausi tris raudonus ziedus ir bus kaput. Grafika gera, gali nusilauzti kas kaikuriem nemazas pliusas... Minusas, kad mokamas online ir reikia pirkti ivairiu priedu kurie kainuotu brangiau nei PS3 komplektas. Tokie priedai kaip wi-fi ir pan kainuos papildomai. Siaip gera konsole, tik imk su garantija nes gali daznai gesti. Jei megsti FPS zaidimus tai si konsole tau. Jei noresi zaisti geimus kaip MGS4,FF13,GT5 ir t.t tai imk PS3. PS3 truputeli brangiau nei xbox360, bet yra iskarto blu-ray grotuvas kuris pravers ateityje. Dabar kazkiek PS3 geresne grafika nei xbox360 (motorstorm, Uncharted, Resistance is dabartiniu) ir ateityje bus dar geresne. Nemokamas online, nors netoks geras kaip xbox'o. PS3 galingiausias is visu next-gen konsoliu. Siaip imciau PS3 nes tai investicija i ateiti su visais geimais kurie iseis. PS3 gal atskleide tik apie 30-50% savo galimybiu, tad tobulejimas beribis. Dabar xbox360 ir PS3 apyligiai. Imk Wii jei megsti tokius zaidimus kaip Sumer Smash Bros.. Tikrai neblogas geimas. Prisimink kad Wii nepalaiko HD vaizdo tad grafika nedaug geresne nei pvz PS2... Siaip pramogoms gra konsole tik pati techniskai silpniausia is next gen konsoliu. Siaip idomus joystickai verta demesio konsole ir visai pigi. Aisku ne hardcore geimeriam. VERDIKTAS: Siulau imti ta konsole kurioje yra tavo megstamiausi zaidimai kurios tu zaisi. Mano atveju tai PS3. Visos konsoles turi pliusu, bei minusu, tad spresk pats. Manau, kad nenusivilsi nei viena konsole kuria pasirinktum.
  16. Q: When is the game shipping to retail? A: The game is scheduled to arrive at retail stores in North America on June 12, 2008. Q: What’s in the Metal Gear Online Starter Pack? A: The Metal Gear Online Starter Pack, included with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, is a squad-based, online multiplayer tactical shooter that supports up to 16 players and takes place in the Metal Gear Solid universe. Q: When is the Metal Gear Online multiplayer beta test? A: The Metal Gear Online multiplayer beta test is scheduled to begin on April 21, 2008. Q: How long will the Metal Gear Online beta test run? A: The Metal Gear Online multiplayer beta test will run for approximately 2 weeks Q: Where can I get the pre-sell? A: The pre-sell program will be available nationwide at all major retailers. Q: Is there a time frame for the pre-order to gain access to the beta? When does the pre-order period begin? A: The pre-order will begin April 2008. Check with your local retailer on availability. Q: Is there any special process that consumers must go through to verify their participation in the beta? A: When the pre-order program begins in April 2008, consumers who pre-order Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will receive the Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD, containing a Prologue that recaps the Metal Gear franchise, a 20th Anniversary retrospective, character bios for Big Boss, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, and Solid Snake, plus a collection of international trailers of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. This pre-order package also contains an insert with a download code and special instructions for accessing the Metal Gear Online beta test when it goes live in late April. Q: How many people will be allowed to participate in the Metal Gear Online beta test? A: The special Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots pre-order package (which includes the insert with the Metal Gear Online download code) will only be available while supplies last. Q: How do consumers who have already pre-ordered participate in the beta? A: Consumers will need to contact their local retailer for more information. Q: Will consumers who don’t pre-order have any chance to join the beta? A: If additional promotional partners are secured, there is a possibility of making beta access available, but nothing is confirmed at this time. Gera naujiena, kad MGO beta bus ir Europoje.
  17. Tai patarciau, vel bandyti pazaisti, kad viska prisimintum.
  18. Nevisai. Antrasis diskas priklauso prie Special edition versijos tai reikia uzsisakyti special edition. Jei klystu pataisyk, bet kai ziurejau lyg taip buvo. Geresnes kokybes MGS4 pakuote: MGS4:SE MGO info MGO is made up of a starter pack and expansion packs. Included with MGS4, the starter pack offers players a first bite of what awaits in the new MGO, while various expansion packs (planned to be released periodically after official service begins) will add additional maps, characters, and other features. Details of the expansion pack release schedule will be announced at a later date. The MGO starter pack contains 5 maps in addition to the match rules and communication features fundamental to MGO. Ambush Alley A corner of a war-shattered town littered with obstacles, its central intersection branching off into side streets. --TOP-- Gronznyj Grad The now abandoned weapons factory that housed the Shagohod in Metal Gear Solid 3. Contains open areas offering unobstructed views as well as indoor and rooftop locations. --TOP-- Midtown Maelstrom This Middle Eastern battleground features avenues crisscrossed with alleyways. --TOP-- Urban Ultimatum Negotiate buildings of varying height in this city under siege. --TOP-- Blood Bath A kill house consisting of both surface and underground areas MGO keisti isvaizda savo veikeju Your first task after enlisting is to create your MGO alter ego. Design your own unique character from dozens of possible combinations, and keep an eye out for additional gear updates! Intel indicates the presence of Old Snake and Metal Gear Mk.II somewhere on the battlefield... What other Metal Gear characters might be lurking in the shadows? In the new MGO, combat gets an upgrade from a maximum of 8 to now 16 players -- trusted allies in team games, or heated rivals in solo play! The more players on the ground, the more intense the action.
  19. Daugiau informacijos apie Metal Gear Online: Startinis zaidimo paketas (kartu su MGS4) tures 5 zemelapius, kaikurie bus nauji (gali gryzti ir senieji zemelapiai). Expansion paketas prides naujus zemelapius ir naujus veikejus. Kainos dar nepaskelbtos. Japonija irgi gaus dar viena beta zaidimo versija.Atvira kiekvienam kuriam 17 metu arba daugiau su PS3 ir online account'u. Galima registruotis nuo 2/29 iki 5/5, beta prasides nuo 4/21 iki 5/6. *Isversta is tu japonisku lankstinuku kurios auksciau postinau.
  20. Jo, charisma pas ji liejasi per krastus. Galetu didesni pusha gauti zmogus.
  21. Sprendziu, kad tavo megstamiausias turetu buti MVP pagal avatar'a.
  22. Seniau kai ziuredavau tai labiausiai The Rock patikdavo Dar Stone Cold, Mankind patiko.
  23. Matau dar nera temos apie si legendini zaidima. Manau visi kas turejo ps1 bent karta buvo pabande pazaist si geima. Jei gerai prisimenu MGS buvo isrinktas geriausias visu laiku ps1 zaidimas ir vienas is geriausiu zaidimu istorjoje. Zaidet? Patiko? Diskutuojam.