
Mario Kart Wii turnyras.

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


Gal surengiam turnyrą? Manau bent 4 žaidėjai atsirastu,išsiaiškintumėm kas čia kiečiausias :D


Mario Kart Wii žaidimas.

Internetas ant Wii.

Kas dalyvauja parašykit ir savo kodą taippat.Gerai būtų, kad duotumėte savo Skype,bus patogiau susitarti :D





1 vieta. 1000 forumo taškų.+Prizas išpaveikslėlio.

2 vieta. 200 forumo taškų.

3 vieta. 100 forumo taškų.

Kitiems dalyviams po 50 forumo taškų.




Skype- britva1994

Kodas- 5455-9553-0070



Skype- Killerbugster

Kodas- 0044-2901-0389



Skype- ???

Kodas- 0516-7513-3966



Skype- ???

Kodas- 4253-3744-5688



Skype- simpsonas1

Kodas- 2621-2931-1651

Redagavo slaptas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

as noreciau dalyvaut, uzrasyk:


Skype: Killerbugster

code: 0044-2901-0389

Redagavo Killerbug

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

as noreciau dalyvauti :

mano wii code: 3720304711865705

skype: povke34

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

as noreciau dalyvauti :

mano wii code: 3720304711865705

skype: povke34

Gal gali duoti Mario Kart koda? Tada priimsiu.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

As irgi dalivausiu Dava jau siunciu jau 22%ir Dar kas 6ryto siusiu visa diena ir atsiusiu ir atsiusiu jums koda

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Aš ir noriu dalyvaut, tik, dar mario kart siunčias. Kai atsisiūs parasysiu koda.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Oho net 6. Primenu WiFi irgi turi būt. Viskas onine vyks. Dėsim 2 racing ir 2 battle.

1 vieta. 3 taškai

2 vieta. 2 taškai

3 vieta. 1 taškas

Daugausiai surinekęs žmogus taškų,laimės konkursą.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nebijok WiFi tai tikrai turiu, kada prasidės turnyras? Aš siūlyčiau koki pirmadienį kita ar sekmadienį, kad visi spėtų pasitreniruoti.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nebijok WiFi tai tikrai turiu, kada prasidės turnyras? Aš siūlyčiau koki pirmadienį kita ar sekmadienį, kad visi spėtų pasitreniruoti.

Na dabar parsisiunčia visi Mario Kart ;) Rengsim pagal viską sekmadienį,vakare.Apie 20:00.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nu va jau antra karta parsisiunciu Mario kart , isirasau idetu i wii paspaudziu start ir meta tokius zodzius:

error # 001, unauthorized device has been detected . ka daryt? :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nu va jau antra karta parsisiunciu Mario kart , isirasau idetu i wii paspaudziu start ir meta tokius zodzius:

error # 001, unauthorized device has been detected . ka daryt? :)

Tavo čipas be SMG fix. Pas manęs čipavai?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.

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  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • @cheburator Visai pamiršau apie jį po to kai xbox showcase tiek gėrio parodė    
    • Nu vyrai, žaidimas jau metų gale bus prieinamas kaip early access, o jūs nieko nepostinat apie jį 😄 Jei trumpai, tai visgi žaidimas bus atskiras nuo pirmos dalies. Sunkesnis, lėtesnis. Cross-play, cross-progression, couch co-op (t.y. dviese su viena konsole bus galima žaisti). 100 bosų. Draugiškesnis naujiems žaidėjams.  
    • Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time.
  • 32 Dizainas

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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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