
Padekit naujokui su Banintu 360

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Sveiki, gavau Xbox 360 arcade (flashintas 1.6 extreme) taciau Jis uzbanintas. Na as neesu live zaidejas, tad man svarbu seip pasizaisti su draugais, tad klausimas, skaiciau kad negalima irasyti zaidimu i banintos konsoles HDD, ar galima irasyti i toki HDD save failus, tarkim NBA rosterius ar game save failus. ( vieni raso, kad neimanoma, kiti sako, kad reikia susikurti nauja profile, ir ten galima rasyti) - tad kaip susikurti ta nauja profile ant banninto xbox'o.


Nuosirdziai dekoju, tam kas nepatinges ir paaiksins , step by step - kaip viska padaryti. Aciu

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viska gali tu su tuo hardu daryt toliau kaip ir buvo. tik zaidimu negalesi isimesti. ir viskas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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viska gali tu su tuo hardu daryt toliau kaip ir buvo. tik zaidimu negalesi isimesti. ir viskas

Dekoju Zudikui ;))


dar klausymas, kiek skaitineju forumu ti vos ne pas kiekviena RROD po kazkiek tai laiko buna, ar cia kaip loterija, ar laikui begant, ima ir uzkaista, ta prasme man prie lango ji laikyt kad skresveis pustu, ar i saldikli nest kas pora valandu ? ;))

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Kushan wrote a nice little article on #FW@EFnet summarizing all kinda info we have about the current (still ongoing) Console Live Ban Wave:


- What does this mean for you and what can you do about it?

Firstly, and most obviously, you cannot connect to Xbox Live on this console any more. This means no more game updates (aka title updates), XBLA games, marketplace content, netflix/sky player and so on. There is no way around this, all online capabilities are now disabled PERMANENTLY.


In all likelihood, your gamertag has NOT BEEN BANNED. When your gamertag gets banned, Microsoft sends you an email detailing why, if you have not recieved this email then your profile should be ok, to a certain extent.


Hard Drive installs are now disabled on the banned console. This means any disk-based games you have will no longer play off of the hard drive. If you attempt to play a game, it will tell you that it was installed on a different 360 and needs to be deleted/installed again. When you delete the game and attempt to install it, you are given a message telling you that it is not supported. There is no way to fix this, that functionality is simply gone from the banned 360.


The hard drive itself is left untouched - you can place it in another 360, even an unbanned one, and it will still work just fine. You do NOT need to reformat it to regain any kind of functionality. Any installed games will need to be reinstalled for the console you want to play them on. This is normal behaviour and happens when swapping HDDs on unbanned/legit 360's.


Windows Media Centre functionality is disabled. It is still possible to stream video/music content via the video library.


Your Gamertag may be corrupted. This does not mean your gamertag has been banned, you can recover it using any live-capable 360, however ANY ACHIVEMENTS YOU HAVE EARNED SINCE BEING BANNED WILL BE LOST. Your gamertag will be corrupted EVERY SINGLE TIME it is used on a banned console. This means you cannot use your banned console to play backups offline just to get achievements - it wont work, the second you put your profile back on a good 360, it will be corrupted and all progress lost. There is no way around this.


The same applies to game saves - if you access a game save on a banned 360, it too will be corrupted when accessed on a legit/unbanned 360! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! There is no way around this, either.


Your XBLA games and DLC will still be valid, however to play them on a different 360 you will need to be signed into Xbox Live. This is normal behaviour on unbanned/legit 360's as well. They may be corrupted and have to be re-downloaded if you attempt to access them on a banned 360. You can transfer all of your downloaded content to a new 360 here: however note that you can only do it once every 12 months.


So, in summary:

Your Banned 360:

* Cannot go on Xbox Live

* Cannot install games to the HDD

* Cannot use Windows Media Centre extender

* Cannot be used to get achievements from backups without corrupting your profile


You cannot do anything about this, short of buying a new 360.


There may be more functionality disabled than mentioned here, things are still being discovered.



- So what caused my ban?

There are MANY theories as to what is causing so many consoles to get banned this time, however as of yet there is nothing concrete, just a lot of circumstantial evidence and speculation. Please do not add to this, a full investigation is under-way.


c4eva, the main guy behind iXtreme, had this to say:

<+c4eva> fw itself not detectable

<+c4eva> suspect they are going hard on warez releases and incorrect use of abgx!


He also added the following:

<+c4eva> just to let you know that im looking into the current ban wave. I am currently running several brand new xboxs on live! These xboxs are in various configs. All are running ixtreme 1.61

<+c4eva> One is running original discs, another is running on xbl (no discs) , another is running a backup from my region!

<+c4eva> until tests are completed, no eta on liteon fw!


When we know more, YOU'LL no more, so please do not ask for updates!

A full transcript is available here -


Remember, if you really want to blame someone, blame the person that decided to modify your 360 in the first place - most likey, that would be you ;

Redagavo ViPeRkillz

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Dekoju Zudikui :whistling:)


dar klausymas, kiek skaitineju forumu ti vos ne pas kiekviena RROD po kazkiek tai laiko buna, ar cia kaip loterija, ar laikui begant, ima ir uzkaista, ta prasme man prie lango ji laikyt kad skresveis pustu, ar i saldikli nest kas pora valandu ? :nunchuks:)


RROD labai daznas buvo tik senosiose konsolese, nuo 2007-11 menesio, jau ejo pataisytos versijos (falcon, poto jasper), jose rrod galimybe yra zymiai mazesne, na bent jau jaudintis toki turint del to nereiktu.

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Idomu ar kasnors sugebes nulauzti draudima isirasyt ir zaist zaidimus is hdd. Pagal viska tai reiketu tik irasyt nauja modifikuota FW...

Redagavo Roc

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jo, reiktu tikrai, kad kas nors sugebetu apeiti ta draudima rasyti zaidimus i harda. Nes tam reikalui elite ir pirkau. O drozt lazeri, laukti ilgu loadingu ir triuksmo man nereikia.


visgi logiskai mastant ms sugeba priknisti x'o sistema, kad neleistu hdd veikti, turi buti budas ir atknisti..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Sunkiai tikėtina, kad kažkam bus įdomu modifikuoti Dashboard, nes žaidimai visvien gi veikia - jų tik neina įrašyti į HDD.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

visgi logiskai mastant ms sugeba priknisti x'o sistema, kad neleistu hdd veikti, turi buti budas ir atknisti..

seip tai taip . turi buti kazkoks budas kaip bent nesijungiant i live vel atgaivinti irashyma i hdd . kazkodel nuojauta man kuzda kad jeigu iseitu downgradint consoles dashboard iki tu laiku kai isvis irashymas i hdd neimanomas buvo ir vel upragint atgal hdd irashymas ir windows media centeris pradetu veikti vel :lol: . Nu bet iskitos puses tai tik svajuko drambliones :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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nereik pirataut nereikes ir nagu kramtyt XD

nu as pvz tai labiau nagus kramtyciau kada visus mano 25 turimu zaidus butu reikeje pirkt uz 2500 :lol:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Deja downgradinima galite pamirsti: (paryskinsiu vieta kur tai paaiskina)


I see lots of sites posting today about a way to unban Xbox 360 from LIVE often linking to a thread made on our forums.


This method has been known for a long time (since the King Kong Exploit days) and does indeed 'work'. Basically you swap the Keyvault (or 'KV' in short, it stores stuff like console certificates, per-box private keys, DVD key, etc) inside the NAND with the KV from an unbanned console. While technically very different you could somewhat compare it to swapping eeprom data during the Xbox1 days.


However there's a (really) big 'IF' (besides the required tech knowledge) ... you need the (unique) CPU key of your banned console - without it you can't correctly write (or encrypt if you want) the new KV data in the NAND bin of your banned console.

Now you wonder how to get the CPU-key ... well by running XeLL of course!

To run XeLL u need to perform the JTAG hack (or the King Kong exploit, but that's even more outdated) ... and if you got banned the last few weeks it means you updated to the latest dashboard/kernel (else you can't get on LIVE).

And that's the problem... Microsoft patched the JTAG hack since kernel 849x (July 2009) ... so no way to boot up XeLL (= no realistic way for you to get the CPU-key atm) and thus no way to swap the KV data in your NAND image.

And then there's also added KV protection (hashing) on newer motherboards (Falcon+ ? and kernel 1888 won't boot on those), but if you can't even get your CPU-key it doesn't matter much to do deeper into this problem.

The only way it would work is if you retrieved the CPU-key of your old banned 360 before you updated to anything over 849x. If you did that you probably know about all of this and I'm not telling you anything new -_-

Downgrading kernel is not an option either, older kernels won't boot as both kernel and CB fuses were burned during the various updates MS performed, and you can't bypass that without ... your CPU-key.


Hope that explains the situation a bit (tried to make it not 'too' technical)

On a side-note, it would probably be pretty easy for MS to detect KV-swaps (like HW-mismatches etc).

Side-note2: in case it wasn't obvious yet those "unban isos" are fake and iXtreme LT won't unban you (it will instead try to avoid new bans).

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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nu as pvz tai labiau nagus kramtyciau kada visus mano 25 turimu zaidus butu reikeje pirkt uz 2500 :)

gaila kad lietuvoj tokios kainos originalu. Pvz Amerikoj nauji grajai buna max 59 bet jau po poros menesiu ebay amazon ar net tas pats gamestop pardavineja jyuos kur kas pigiau. Pvz mgs4 ant ps3 daabr gali uz 25 paimt cod 4 apie 20 ir pan. Jei labai negali laukt bet nenori pirkt yra nuomos po 15-20$ i menesi nuomojes kiek nori. Ir aisku kai sventes arteja buna geru nuolaidu ypac ber black friday :). Per puse pigau gali grajus pirkt

Redagavo scream2207

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gaila kad lietuvoj tokios kainos originalu. Pvz Amerikoj nauji grajai buna max 59 bet jau po poros menesiu ebay amazon ar net tas pats gamestop pardavineja jyuos kur kas pigiau. Pvz mgs4 ant ps3 daabr gali uz 25 paimt cod 4 apie 20 ir pan. Jei labai negali laukt bet nenori pirkt yra nuomos po 15-20$ i menesi nuomojes kiek nori. Ir aisku kai sventes arteja buna geru nuolaidu ypac ber black friday :thumbsup4:. Per puse pigau gali grajus pirkt

nu matai buciau turtingas labai tai galeciau sau leisti nepiratauti o pirkti originalius zaidimus kad ir is lt . o dabar kadangi vos uzteko pinigu paciai consolei ir dar jai zaidus pirk butu nesamone . Cia istrikruju ir yra tai del ko pirkau xbox360 o ne ps3 . jeigu ps3 eitu zaisti piratinius zaidimus is dvd ne blueray tai buciau ji ir emes :thumbsup4: nu cia nugrybavau nuo temos stipriai ...

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