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Pasirodo ant xbox 360 po kelių dienu :super:


taip. Geguzes 9 diena XBLA. $20 / 1600 MS Points. gal biski brangokai kaip tokiam zaidimui.

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Ismeginau Minecraft ant iPad ir truputi nusivyliau, man valdymas kiek sunkokas, kazkaip ant kitu zaidimu normaliai, o MC kazkaip keistai...

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X360 zaidimo versija netures jau tokiu beribiu mapu kaip PC versija ir tures nematomu sienu,kad per toli nenueit. idomu ko cia truksta x360 konsolei kad negali but tas pats kas pc versijai.

zaidimo pasaulis buna tik toks ka rodo zemelapis kuri gauni zaidimo naktis nespeja ateit kol daeini iki mapo krasto..kazkur per 3 minutes pasieki krasta.

$20 uz 6 min dydzio mapa.. :notworthy:

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Ne nu rimtai negalejo to pacio ka ir ant pc padaryt,zodziu,nieko gero,taciau vistiek daug kas pirks jy,o galbut atety dar patobulins mapa nes pamatys kad tikrai daug zaideju nusivils tokiu mazu map,nera net ka tyrinet,jokiu dungeon normaliu jokiu griuvesiu ar dar ko.

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Nu jo ant iPad, tai suprantu del ko jis toks mazas, bet ant Xbox, tai... Pamatysit bus eiline pinigu siurbimo zaidimas. Isleis padidinta map'a - pirk, paskui dar ka padidins - pirk ir t.t...

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Nu jo ant iPad, tai suprantu del ko jis toks mazas, bet ant Xbox, tai... Pamatysit bus eiline pinigu siurbimo zaidimas. Isleis padidinta map'a - pirk, paskui dar ka padidins - pirk ir t.t...


na neta visi turi .info apie zaidima irgi visi jau mate.taigi jei netinka mapas ir nepirks,o kas pirks tiem matyt nerupes realiai jei ten kalt MP tik ar 2 , 4 ant vienos konsoles tai mapo uzteks ir tokio.

o siaip zada updeitus.manau geimeriai klaus kureju kodel tokie mapai ir gal veliau tas bus kazkaip isplesta.


Dokucraft 0.3.0 teskturos MC pocket edition. tai cool , vienos geriausiu MC teksturu ant nesiojamo MC. :D




Its Out ..on xbox 360 ..yup its 130mb..its 1600 msp. and its just like this..


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nauja MC pc testine versija 12W19A ismegint visiem kas nori ka naujo sumaste kurejai ideti i zaidima


Added cocoa plants to jungles

Added a “large biomes” world type

Added specific names for the different sandstone and smooth stone blocks

Minecraft snapshot 12W19A.Client.Download

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Sveiki, norėjau paklausti, ar įmanoma įrašyti minecraft'ą ant xbox'o su lt3.0 firmware?


Sveikas , arcade zaidimu , negali isirasyti juos turi nusipirkti , arba tureti RHG/JTAG konsole .

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sekantis x360 minecraft updeitas tures 1.73 pc beta versijos naujoves


Next Minecraft Xbox 360 patch to include features from Minecraft Beta 1.7.3


On their official Twitter account, 4J Studio said, "We’re aiming to update to the major PC releases – first one will be the equivalent of the PC Beta 1.7.3 version."


As per the details Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition launched with all features of Minecraft (PC) Beta 1.6.6 (i.e update just before pistons and shears). Now 4J Studio aims to add the following with the next Minecraft (XBLA) update.


Here are the details.


Added pistons.

Fixed clay generation.

Flint and Steel or redstone is now required to trigger TNT.

Fences can be stacked.

Added Shears.

Redstone wire now will connect to a repeater.

Shears can be used to pick up leaf blocks.

Shears can be used to shear sheep without hurting them

Sheep no longer drop wool from being punched, only from being killed when they are unsheared.

New textures for Cobblestone and Brick blocks.

Silverfish skin was added (for Beta 1.8).

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kita menesi naujas MC pc 1.3 updeitas kuris sujungs SP ir MP rezimus. bei naujas x360 updeitas su skinu packu.


This week Dinnerbone (Nathan Adams) has arrived to the Mojang office in Stockholm. He’ll be working full-time on Minecraft here, and has already got a flying start! We managed to do a lot of fixing and tweaking for this week’s snapshot, and have finally decided to lock down on a proper release date for Minecraft 1.3: August 1, 2012.


A week prior to releasing, we’ll post a “release candidate” that is likely to be identical to the actual release. This version is intended to give server admins and modders a little more time to prepare for the new Minecraft version.


Minecraft 1.3 consists of a huge number of changes, and some of them are changes to the fundamental game engine. The most dramatic change is that we’ve kicked out single-player, and made it a shell on top of multi-player. There are two major benefits to this: first, it’s required for the modding api if we don’t want to have multiple implementations of every mod, and second, if we fix a bug in single-player, we know the bug is fixed in multi-player, too. Previously we had to fix bugs both in relation to single-player and multi-player.

A collection of 40 new character skins is coming to the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft to coincide with the 1.7.3 title update due next week.


The Skin Pack DLC will be a mix of original designs as well as references to characters from other games, reports Play XBLA. Revealed so far are the protagonists from 'Splosion Man and Trials HD as well as Covenant Grunt, Creeper and King outfits





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Minecraft: Pocket Edition 3.2 Update Adds Furnaces, Ability To Grow Trees


That said, today marks the release of the newest update, and we think users will like what's offered. To that end, here's the full list:


Minor release 3.2 (Furnaces: No more unlimited items)


-Furnaces! Every available block and item can now be gathered, crafted or smelted into.

-Grow trees! Saplings dropped when harvesting leaf with Shears.

-More tiles such as thin glass, and half blocks in different material.

-Gold, diamond and iron ore can now be gathered (smelt them for stronger tools)!

-Fixes: less flickering/Z-fighting on some devices, mobs have correct health, fixed rendering of fence gates and half blocks in hand.

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