
Final Fantasy XV

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Nezinau ar kas atkreipet demesi, bet Final Fantasy Type-0 ganetinai panasus engine tik del hardware prasciau atrodo... :) labai jau panasus, o seip realumas CG lyg filmuota :)

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Nezinau ar kas atkreipet demesi, bet Final Fantasy Type-0 ganetinai panasus engine tik del hardware prasciau atrodo... :) labai jau panasus, o seip realumas CG lyg filmuota :)

jo Type -- labai gerai atrodo tikrai,suoliai ,atakos is oro ir pan dalykai labai ispudingi kaip mazam PSP. o Versus tai tikrai unreal atrodo, bet vel tik traileris ir niekas jo negalejo pazaist net konferencijoj ,na ne kiek. tai kiek dar laiko reikia ji kurti idomu. jau nuo 2003 kalba prasidejo apie Versus. damn its long time. atrodo labai gerai viskas. zaidimas kuris egzistuoja tik treileriuose :) ir musu vaizduotese aisku irgi.

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Driver: Prince Noctis. (Several times)

Driver: That over there's intense isn't it?

Noctis: It's just like an occupation.

(Tool booth says that it's closed, but they get to go through anyway since he's a prince.)

Noctis: Goodbye, whoever you are.

Lady: You see the light too, right Noctis?

Lady: So do I.

Lady: When the goddess Etro opens the gates to welcome the souls of the fallen, the dazzling light that lights up the land of the dead leaks out into the heaven.

Lady: Sometimes there are those that can see the light. These people are gifted with powers from the land of the dead.

Lady: Did you receive any powers Noctis?

Noctis: I don't know about Etro's light or whatever, but I don't like seeing that.

Lady: But why... why are there people who can see it and people who can't, I wonder?

Lady: I believe that there is some special meaning to it, and I've been thinking about it for a long time.

Noctis: A meaning with.. seeing the light?

Lady: Yes. For example maybe there is something I must do or accomplish?


King: I see, so you are just using it?

King: However, I'm sorry to say that you can not become king.

King: I will not turn over the throne to anyone.

King: I will go down in history as the last king

Noctis: Ignis, how was it?

Ignis: L'cie(?) were continuing as if nothing happened. They continue to thrive together with the crystal.

Ignis: I believe that this is the best way it could end for the Niflheim side. (There's some word that sounds like like Hanawa.. but I don't think it fits in. Might be referring to some in-game thing that I/we don't know anything about.

Noctis: That means we will do a full assault and recapture the crystal, right?

Ignis: No, look at it realistically Noct.

Noctis: You saw my strength, didn't you!?

Gladiolus: We saw it, but your body isn't used to your new power yet. I must be tough right now.

Ignis: You're going to need time.


Grumpy: Let's go!

Noctis: Why should I, the strongest of us all, run away?

Ignis: When you're here the number of victims will increase.

Noctis: Why!?

Ignis: You're their target. They probably want to take you hostage and use that advantage in negotiations.

Noctis: Negotiations? At this stage?

Noctis: I'll just beat them all.

Ignis: Noct, I'm sorry but you're just not strong enough.

Noctis: WTF!?



Ignis (I think): Do you have a plan? Something 10 times worse.

Noctis: I'm going to think of a way to return it hundredfold.

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Final Fantasy Versus XIII: New Details


These details were revealed during the Square Enix event at Japan last week.


Here’s the details:


* First bit of information is that Noctis, who is the main character, is actually a prince. His father is the king of the “country that possesses the world’s only crystal.”

* This was already known, but the full name of Noctis is Noctis Lucius Caelum, and Stella’s name is Stella Knox Fleuret, who is a princess.

* There is a scene where Noctis’ father says that he “cannot become king,” so the story may be based around this concept. Noctis may be trying to overthrow his father for some reason.

* Although you only control one character, you can change between characters. So you won’t be playing as Noctis all the time.

* Finally, Noctis can use multiple weapons and swords

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* The actual battle screen in the final game will show character names.

* Some areas regarding how the battle screen shows commands will probably change for the final.

* Magic has different effects depending on the character who uses it.

* A young blonde male character shown in the magazine’s screenshots is good with guns. He alone has aiming controls and can aim for enemy weak spots.

* When other characters use guns, they have just a normal lock-on.

* The game has a large number of weapons. Main character Noctis can use them all.

* Your battle party can have up to three members. However, the members who aren’t taking part in the battle will join in on conversations.

* There are more party members than the four shown in the magazine. However, the game doesn’t have a massive number of party members.

* Main character Noctis is not “cool.” He’s just a normal youth. He feels “I am strong,” but he’s not as strong as he thinks.

* Some segments of the trailer show natural landscapes. These are like the fields you encounter in other games. The game will have time progression: morning, afternoon, evening and night.

* Contrary to some theories, the dragon rider character who appears in the trailer is not heroine Stella. Nomura says he wouldn’t show Stella in such a state. The character you see in that sequence is an enemy.

* You can steal army vehicles for your use. You can ride air ships, cars and Chocobos.

* The blonde character shown in the trailer is Noctis’s friend. The other two characters are friends from Noctis’s childhood. The person with glasses is like Noctis’s tactician.

* You’ll recall that someone in the trailer says “You’re not fit to be king,” or something to that effect. This statement is not directed at Noctis. (I think everyone assumed it was!)

* Nomura says something along the lines of: This year, we have Type-0 and XIII-2, so please forget about Versus for a while. He asked that people be patient and understand that they’re trying to do something incredible.

* At the earliest, we could see more from Versus XIII at E3.

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Dangeki nebuvo vienintelis Japonų žurnalas kuris apžvelgė Square Enix neseniai diskutuotus žaidimus. Famitsu gavo žinių apie Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2, ir Final Fantasy Type-0.


Detalės kurias Famitsu atskleidė apie XIII-2 ir Type-0 neturėjo nieko naujo, nes viskas buvo žinoma iš Dangeki, jų detalės apie Versus XIII atvirkščiai užpildė senas skyles. Visos detalės sužymėtos apačioje:


Tavo veikėjai Versus režime neturės darbų, bet tavo priešai bus Drakonų Riteriai (arba dragoonai jeigu jums taip geriau) ir iškvietėjai.


Žaidime bus iškvietimo(summoning) elementų.


Tavo ginklų arsenale bus: kardai, kirviai, iečiai, pistoletai, kulkosvaidžiai, šautuvai, bazūkos, ir shotgun`ai. Tai nepilnas sąrašas.


Veikėjas Ignis (vaikinas su akiniais) bus geras padėjėjas. jis mėto peilius į priešus.


Veikėjas su randu ant veido naudoją puolimo stilių, jis gali išnaudoti krūvą bunkeryje ir ilgąjį kardą.


Šviesiaplaukė veikėja naudoja ginklus.


Žaidime bus pozicinės žalos elementų atakuojant priešus. Didesni priešai turės silpnas vietas.


Žaidime nebus komandinių atakų tavo party nariams.


Tu gali kombiniuoti savo atakas keičiant veikėjus, tai yra , tavo kombinacijų skaičius nepakis ir galėsi keisdamas veikėjus tą skaičių didinti.


Tu gali prikelti savo party narius. Vienintelė išimtis yra Noctis, jeigu jis mirs, žaidimas baigsis.


Sunkumo lygis yra nustatomas link aukščiausios klasės.

Redagavo RB89

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More Brand New Final Fantasy Versus XIII Details

Final Fantasy Versus XIII information continues to come in thick and fast, this time new information loosely translated from Famistu (so forgive some things that may have gotten lost in translation).


Tetsuya Nomura has stated the following:


-His team will continue to work on the graphics, and they should be even better when the game is released.

-Confirms that footage after the the first scene in the recent trailer is all in-game.

-Noctis, Ignis, and Scarface are all childhood friends.

-Ignis is somewhat of a strategist.

-***Players can manipulate some cutscenes, the first person scene shown in the trailer was controllable.***

-The TGS trailer was deliberately slowed down so that battle scenes could be viewed clearly.

-Gameplay is much closer to Kingdom Hearts.

-You can switch between any of the characters during battle.

-There are a variety of weapons; swords, guns, axes, bazookas etc.

-***Only Noctis can use any weapon.***

-Ignis uses throwing knives, magic.

-Scarface is good at unarmed combat, sword fighting.

-Young blonde character is mainly a gunner.

-***Combo attacks change depending on the selection of weapons.***

-***Nomura reconfirms that there may be an E3 showing for the game.***

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Tetsuya Nomura Talks Up Final Fantasy Versus XIII




The 1st Production Department Premier event trailer, which offered us our first true look at Versus XIII gameplay (ignoring the few seconds from the game's brief Tokyo Game Show trailer) was almost all in-game. The opening section, which showed Noctis and his driver driving down a freeway was CG (not live action footage, Famitsu confirmed), but everything from the conversation scene between Noctis and Stella was real time running on the PlayStation 3. This includes the flyby scene with the masses of buildings that precedes the combat part of the clip.


(Nomura didn't say this, but the end of the clip does appear to have a short CG sequence.)


The trailer, Famitsu noted, allows us to better get a grasp of the characters, as we get to first hear Noctis, and his allies. Furthermore, the ally clothing has been redone.


These areas appear to be final designs, although Nomura said that he's playing around with the hair a bit. Even the voices that you hear for the allies during the combat scenes is from final voice actors, chosen via auditions.


Regarding the voice actors, Nomura wouldn't confirm who they are, but he said some fans appear to have figured it out.


Nomura detailed a few of the character and story elements that were hinted at in the trailer.


Ignis, the ally with glasses and the only party member outside of Noctis whose name has been confirmed, was raised from childhood to be something akin to Noctis' military tactician. This is why his lines in the trailer sound like he's counseling Noctis. For the trailer, they selected scenes that would make the relationship between Noctis and Ignis clear.


As detailed in our summary of Dengeki's interview from last week (read it here!), Ignis and the scar-faced party member are childhood friends of Noctis. The blonde party member is a relatively new friend.


The story of Final Fantasy Versus XIII has the enemy kingdom of Niflheim invading Noctis' country, beginning an "escape drama" for Noctis and his friends. However, Noctis thinks of himself not as fleeing but as pursuing the enemy.


In the trailer, there's a scene (at the 2:09 mark) where we see Noctics' father, the king, saying to someone that he won't give up the throne and will be the final king. This dialogue is taken directly from the game, but it's actually used in a different scene. The identity of who the king is speaking to is a secret (it's not Noctis, as some thought at first).


Nomura also said that the throne the king is shown sitting in during that scene is different from the throne we see Noctis sitting in at the end of the trailer (around the 6:12 mark).

During the trailer, there's a scene (at the 4:30 mark) set in a forest clearing in the evening showing someone walking towards the king. This scene looks like it's in first person. According to Nomura, this is an event scene that the player can control. The viewpoint is low because it's a scene from Noctis' youth.


Towards the end of the trailer (around the 6:00 mark) there's a scene showing Noctis' father in a standoff with a character in white robes. Famitsu noted that in a previous trailer, Noctis was seen in a standoff with a man in white robes. The two white robed men are different, Nomura said.


Both confrontations take place in the castle, but in different locations within the castle. The inside castle is being made large, said Nomura, and players will be able to move their character around in it.


Famitsu asked just one questions about the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology. Will the l'Cie, who were depicted in Final Fantasy XIII as humans given the power to use magic and summons in exchange for being burdened with a mission, appear in Versus XIII? Nomura confirmed that as Versus XIII is based off the same mythology as FFXIII, the term l'Cie and other such terms will appear. However, going along with the modern look of the world, the language used in the conversation will also be modern. He didn't explain what this means precisely in terms of the use of the phrases.




Moving on to the battle system, Famitsu noted that the movement in the battle scenes looked faster than in the brief Tokyo Game Show trailer. As Nomura said in post-TGS Twitter updates, the TGS footage was actually slowed down to make it easier to see the motions. What we're seeing in the new trailer is the real deal as far as speed goes.


During combat, you an do all sorts of actions, like double jumps and so-forth. All the characters move with great speed.


Asked if the battle system is similar to Kingdom Hearts in that characters perform actions once you've selected commands, Nomura responded that it's close to that.

he icons and gauges we see in the battle scenes appear to be a mix of finalized and temporary. The commands are temporary (I'm not sure if Nomura is speaking about the names of the commands or just the way they're displayed). The gauges for HP and so-forth are final. They deleted the character names from the gauges shown in the lower right. All the screenshots you see of the game in magazines and at also have the named removed.


There's an orange gauge to the right of the HP gauge. This is part of an original system for the game. Nomura did not elaborate.


The character faces above the HP and orange gauges are meant to be a window showing a closeup of the character's faces as they fight. This way, even if you're separated from a character, you can tell when he's having trouble.


One of the commands shown in the command palette is "SUMMON." Nomura confirmed that there will be summon elements in the game. As he's said in past interviews, he also confirmed that you'll be able to ride Magitek Armor mecha and Chocobos. He said we can think that all the familiar elements from the Final Fantasy series will be in the game.


Regarding magic, however, there's one major story-based consideration. All characters can use magic, but Noctis must be there. As part of the story setting, magic can be used because Noctis is there.


With this connection to Noctis, it does seem that magic will be tied closely to the story. But not in one way some might have speculated from past trailers. One of the earliest realtime scenes from the game (also shown in the latest trailer) showed Noctis and Stella speaking about the goddess Etro during a scene in the trailer (see details about the Fabula Nova Crystalls mythology here). They mention something about sharing the ability to see a certain "light." This power of light is different from the power of magic, said Nomura.


Versus XIII will have a job system -- but not for your player-controlled characters. Enemies come in such flavors as dragon knights and summoners. The dragon knight character seen doing some wild acrobatics through the air towards the end of the trailer (around the 5:43 mark) is a character from the enemy side (she's not Stella, as Nomura said in past interviews). She's part of a special group of people within the enemy army, and uses unconventional armor that differs from the army's standard issue.


As shown in the trailer, your party can have up to three members. The party members will initially be chosen for you as part of the story, in part because of tutorial considerations. As you advance in the game, you'll gain the ability to select your members. Howevr, Noctis is always a part of your party. In the Dengeki interview, Nomura said that if Noctis dies the game ends.


You're free to switch off between the three party members during battle. But this switching isn't necessary. You can play the game exclusively as Noctis if you like.


Each character has their own specialties, and they attack differently depending on the weapon. Nomura said that he wants players to discover their own strategy, as far as timing and situation goes, for switching between characters.


Noctis has access to a variety of weapons, like swords, axes, lances and guns. Looking at guns alone, you'll find such varieties as hand guns, machine guns, shot guns, rifles, bazookas and more. One area the development staff is placing a focus on is making the motions for when you use the various weapons look different.


Different from Noctis, the various party members outside will be able to use only certain weapons. Here's what the party members shown in the trailer can do:



Specializes in support-style attacks. He's particularly strong with magic, but can also use throwable knives and other such weapons. The trailer also shows him wielding a katana blade.

Scarfaced Character

He'll fight bare handed and will also use large weapons like pile bunkers and broad swords.

Blonde Character

He's a gunner. Noctis can also also use guns of course, but when he does so he fires with auto aim. The blonde character, on the other hand, will display a targeting reticule, allowing you to aim for enemy weak points.


The blonde guys's aiming is particularly useful for larger monsters, who have weak points in various areas and can be targeted for positional damage.


Switching between weapons is part of the base action gameplay. For Noctis, you can go into the menu to set him with multiple weapons. These will automatically switch out as you fight. Depending on the weapons you've set, you'll get various combos.


One thing Versus XIII won't have is team-up attacks that has the three party members automatically group together for a super attack. However, Nomura noted that players can time their character switches to chain together multi-character attacks on their own. This can apparently be seen in the trailer, although Nomura said that most players probably might have not noticed it as it's super quick. Examples of using this system involve having Ignis use magic to send the enemy flying back, then switching out instantly to have another character come in for an attack.




Final Fantasy Versus XIII will have a lot of freedom, Nomura noted. They're working on adding a variety of gimmicks. By "gimmick," Nomura means such things as how in the trailer we see a behemoth creature running to destroy an overhead walkway as Noctis crosses it (around the 4:25 mark, but the behemoth battle starts before this). If you don't make Noctis cross the bridge, the behemoth will not destroy it. These types of gimmicks are tough on the development side of things, noted Nomura.

Those behemoth beasts will be of different size depending on the situation. In the trailer scene, they made the creature big because the fight takes place amongst tall buildings and there wouldn't be as much impact if it was small. In the wild, the behemoths will be a bit smaller.


The city scene where Noctis is facing off against the behemoth is full of destroyable objects -- for instance, the trees and electricity poles. There's also a lot of interactivity, it seems. Following the sequence shown in the trailer, you'll end up fighting a behemoth on a three level freeway area. The road has been damaged, so you'll need to move around by jumping and so-forth. You can also make use of the buildings that line the road. The emergency stairwells of the buildings can can be entered and climbed to get to the roof, with Noctis pulling himself up to the very top via the air conditioner. Nomura was actually surprised to find this area when test playing the game.


With all the freedom, Nomura expects players to not be able to experience everything in one go.


The trailer shows just a section of the game's starting country -- that is, the kingdom ruled by Noctis' father. There are also other large kingdoms, and in between them you'll find villages. Even the villages are expansive. Nomura was once again surprised by the size when checking the game.


As indicated in the trailer, the fields have a day-night cycle. You'll encounter different beasts at different times of day. They sped up some of the time progression in the trailer to make it more easily seen.




Closing off the interview, Nomura hinted that there's still a lot that we haven't seen from Versus XIII. There will be character growth systems and other exclusive systems in the game, none of which is visible in the trailer.


The next time we can expect to see more of Versus XIII is at E3, which takes place June 7 to 9 in Los Angeles. However, an E3 showing has yet to be finalized, Nomura said.

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kaip sakoma ilgai lauke dar palauksim, dar kelios naujienas apie zaidima is Famitsu:


Final Fantasy Versus 13 Famitsu Details


- Cutscenes in Final Fantasy Versus XIII are said to be “manipulatable”


- 3D Models quality for both events and gameplay are almost same


- Combat in Versus XIII will be dynamic, and there will be changing situations that will keep the gameplay fresh


- A lot of time and skill has gone into the graphics for the game, especially the lighting


- Famitsu seemed to be impressed with the screenshots Mr. Nomura toted along with him, one person noting that they did not believe that it was a real-time screenshot because of the graphical quality.


- 3 Screenshots was shown: The three screenshots included a scene of an Italy-like city showing Noctus looking up at a behemoth, an afternoon shot of Noctus on what appeared to be the side of the highway, and the same highway shot but at night. The signs on the highway apparently say "Meguro," which is a region of Tokyo (As far as I know the game doesn't actually take place in our world, although this isn't the first time a real world name has been found in the game).

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Tetsuya Nomura talks Final Fantasy Versus XIII


Square Enix director and designer Testuya Nomura is interviewed in the latest issue of Famitsu. During the interview, Nomura shed new light on Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.


On Versus XIII, Nomura said that last Sunday, he did a walkthrough of the entire world map, checking dungeons and side-areas in towns. He was amazed by the world’s width, he said laughing. While not entirely based on the Luminous Studio engine, it uses parts of the engine for lighting. Versus XIII‘s engine is one specifically utilized for action.


This is a Final Fantasy unlike any you’ve seen before, Nomura teased.


A short followup on our report from earlier today about Final Fantasy Versus XIII and its use of Square Enix's next generation "Luminous Engine" toolkit.


In an interview with Famitsu, Tetsuya Nomura reveals that Versus XIII's lightning is being redone, and they're using Luminous for this purpose. Luminous is good with lightning, says Nomura. Versus aims for photo realism, so it places greater importance on lighting.


Versus XIII has its own action game-oriented engine. The lightning tech from Luminous is being coupled with this for Versus XIII.


Nomura describes Luminous as an excellent engine that can be used with any game. The Versus XIII engine, on the other hand, is strong in specific areas, but is not a general purpose engine.


[via Sokuho@Hokanko]


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Final Fantasy Versus XIII cancelled?


The site is quoting ‘several sources’ who have said that the game, as originally intended, is done for.


One source told Kotaku that Final Fantasy Versus XIII was officially cancelled within the last few weeks, which apparently impacted morale at Square Enix.


The last we heard of the game was back in March, when Square’s Nomura told Famitsu ”We’re almost done with preparing the latest info for the game.”


Then in May, Nomura once again commented on the game, saying to Game Informer, “We would like to ask for your patience on an official announcement for this title. It always takes time when tackling the challenge of doing something completely new, but we are doing our best to bring information to the fans as quickly as we can. Your patience is greatly appreciated.”


Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been in development for around six years, although not a lot has ever been heard or seen of the game since it was first announced.


When Kotaku contacted Square Enix about whether or not Final Fantasy Versus XIII was still in development, it released the following statement: “We have no information on the status of Final Fantasy Versus XIII, but will be sure to update you as it becomes available.”


Not sounding too promising is it?

Va teip reik tikėtis, kad SE tyliai nenužudė Versus, nes nusimatė tikrai kokybiškas FF žaidimas.

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Nu tu k** k**. Su tuo tikslu ir ps3 isigijau. kad palost iseinancius last of us, beyond two souls, FFv XIII ir The last guardian, Bet pasirodo tu 2 paskutiniu galima ir nebesulaukti :) :)

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maziau is pirsto lauztais gandais klausyt reiktu tai ilgiau gyventumet :D


Square Enix boss confirms Final Fantasy Versus XIII still in production


The executive took to Twitter to describe the rumours as a hoax.


Wada said he attended a regular meeting on the RPG’s progress today, and that fans would be surprised to see how the game is shaping up; he specifically mentioned the city setting.

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maziau is pirsto lauztais gandais klausyt reiktu tai ilgiau gyventumet :)


Pradziuginai. Ne nu as ir galvoju, nejau sukiso tike limonu ir dabar ims ir nutrauks, tuo labiau, kad jau buvo parodyti ir gameplay vaizdai :)

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