
SONY konsoliu naujienos !

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Man vienam atrodo, kad per sia konferencija ne tik, kad pristatys "PS4" bet ir galimai vita slim modeli? :whistling:

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Visai norėčiau PS4 ir Vita bundle :megusta:

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Kompanija Sony kiek anksčiau publikuotame vaizdo klipe teigė, kad vasario 20 d. mes pamatysime PlayStation ateitį. Panašu, kad taip turėtų ir nutikti: autoritetingas leidinys The Wall Street Journal praneša, jog kompanija ne tik pristatys naujos kartos žaidimų konsolę, tačiau ją atiduos vartotojų dar 2013 metais. Patvirtinama ir tai, jog Sony bei Microsoft savo žaidimų sistemas išleis beveik tuo pačiu metu, ir tai turėtų įvykti arčiau Kalėdinių išpardavimo sezono.


Beje, The Wall Street Journal praneša, jog Sony neva susikoncentravo ne tik ties paprastu konsolės galios padidinimu (nors tai, savaime suprantama, ir bus padaryta), tačiau daug dėmesio skyrė ir socialinių žaidimų integravimo ypatumams – kompanija nusitaikiusi į tai, kaip žmonės sąveikauja su sistema. Pranešama, kad Sony norėjo pašalinti optinių diskų įrenginį, tačiau vis tiek jį paliko; be to, sistema gaus kompanijos AMD sukurtą centrinį procesorių ir diskretinę vaizdo plokštę – tai leidžia kalbėti apie mažą tikimybę, jog bus galima tikėtis suderinamumo su PlayStation 3 žaidimais, kurie sukurti, atsižvelgiant į firminio procesoriaus Cell ypatumus.



Atrodo, kad tikrai bus pristatyti nauji produktai. Gali būti nesuderinama su PS3 žaidimais. Gaila.

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Ne tame esme kad cia ps3, esme jog buvo toks bundle ant ps3, tai gal ir padarys ta paty su ps4+ps vita :)

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emuliuoti softwariskai CELL proca nemanau kad AMD tam pajegus ir kad kas nors tuom uzsiima. nes PS3 niekur tikrai neiseis ir po PS4 isejimo.o ir iki jo dar daug laiko. va naujesni PS3 neemuliavo PS2 ir ka . PS2 pardavimai toliau laikesi stabiliai.

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ka tu numetei ta yra ps3 ir vta bundle ne ps4 ir vita bundle


mb. nedaskaiciau ;)

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In addition to Killzone: Mercenary for the PlayStation Vita, Guerilla Games is rumored to be working on Killzone 4 for the PS3 successor.


According to a VideoGamer report, Sony hopes to have the game ready for the launch of its new console. It will be officially announced on February 20 – the day when Sony will blow the lid off of the PlayStation 4.

na tai ir turi ivykt. kaip kitaip. KZ aplamai epine serija. tik 3 zaidimai kol kas bet visi buvo evo ir revo-liuciniai. KZ1 buvo pirmas fps kuri losiau taip rimtai ant PS2. KZ2 mindblowino tuo metu kai isejo, grafika, efektais, garsu.. KZ3 su Move isvis nepakartojamas pojutis lost. na ir dabar laikas KZ4 manau pats tas. kartu su PS4 dar siemet jeigu iseis. na kurejai lyg nemire, ir i pensija neiseja.taigi kazka kure visus tuos metus nuo KZ3. :megusta:

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Motorstormo dev'ai kazka ruosiasi paskelbt ar pristatyt 20 diena irgi. na arba nauja racinga PS4 ,arba nieko. na dar jie galetu.


"Game Director of MotorStorm RC @ Evolution Studios."




savaites pradzioj sklido gandai jau apie siu kureju nauja racinga.


LBP kurejai Media Molecule kazka naujo teasina su “It’s a Mystery” video. na Sony exclusivu kurejai nemiega matos.

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Ex gaila neina nukopinti to teksto iskart kur po PS VITA eina :D o seip google vertejas tuos zemiau, pakankamai gerai isverte, bet ten viskas tik apie transliavima ir panasiai

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Japonijoje PSVitos kaina sumažėjo iki 215$

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portable evoliucija


ir istikro ispudingai gerai laikosi PSP pirmukas. :spiderp:


Sony keliauja i "debesis" su naujais domainais:


na kvepia GAIKAI aisku. kuom gi dar. :spiderp:


Playstation zaidimu Evoliucija


kad PS1 zaidimai pakeite aplamai poziuri i video zaidimus ir aplamai ir masinas ypac ,tai tiesa. po pirmo GT1 pasileidimo viskas tapo aisku. its epic :thumbup:

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    • @cheburator Visai pamiršau apie jį po to kai xbox showcase tiek gėrio parodė    
    • Nu vyrai, žaidimas jau metų gale bus prieinamas kaip early access, o jūs nieko nepostinat apie jį 😄 Jei trumpai, tai visgi žaidimas bus atskiras nuo pirmos dalies. Sunkesnis, lėtesnis. Cross-play, cross-progression, couch co-op (t.y. dviese su viena konsole bus galima žaisti). 100 bosų. Draugiškesnis naujiems žaidėjams.  
    • Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time.
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