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idomu ar realiai kazka naujo gali parodyt ar tik siaip apie x1 konsole. 

paimtu ir pateasintu nauja xbox konsole taip slapcia ... manau sukeltu nemazai triuksmo. 

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stumia ant sony update kurie sako kad pagerino stability  :yao:

bet siaip nemazai nauju dalyku bus . 

alexa open Windows... 

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Microsoft CEO: Xbox Game Pass expanding to PC

Microsoft's all-inclusive gaming subscription, Xbox Game Pass is soon headed to PC.



kol kas nedaug info. ar tai reiskia kad visus x360 zaidimus senesnius ir kurie tik ant X1 bus galima ir ant pc is ten lost . butu geras dalykas kazkam.

nori labiau pakonkuruot su PS NOW. aisku PC cia yra pliusas. 

"I want people to be able to play games!" he said. "[Emulation] is hard. [Xbox] 360 specifically is a PowerPC chip, emulated to x86, which is difficult. It's a little bit easier when you have a fixed spec, when you think about Xbox, Xbox One S, and Xbox One X. And you think of the variable specs of the PC space, so you're taking a fixed-spec PowerPC emulator and then moving it over to run on PC, so there's a lot of work there.


"The original Xbox, OG Xbox, is a little bit easier, because that was an x86 chip it was running on. Obviously when we think about UWP and the ability for games to run across console and PC, we're getting closer. I want developers to be able to build portable applications, which is why we've been focusing on UWP for games and even apps that want to run on multiple devices.


"So I think we've got work to go do there, but I think it's in our future."


The result of these important changes (which are coming since we know that the console is based on the x86 architecture) will take us to a world where Xbox One X can receive additional devices such as mouse and keyboard without the need for dedicated applications, since basically console will have a Windows 10 very similar to that of our computers, which will be responsible for installing the corresponding drivers, and on the other hand, will dramatically expand the Xbox Play Anywhere program, removing the current limitations and allowing 100% of the console catalog to be available for computers.


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Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft’s subscription gaming service for the Xbox One console, is getting 16 new titles, including the popular battle royale shooter “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.”


“PUBG” will be available starting on Nov. 12, Microsoft said on Saturday during its X018 event. Fifteen other titles are also coming to Game Pass leading up to the holidays. “Thief of Thieves” is officially available now. “Agents of Mayhem,” “MXGP3,” and “Thomas Was Alone” arrive on Nov. 22, while “Ori and the Blind Forest” and “Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice” arrive in December.


Other indie games launching through the ID@xbox program will come to Game Pass the same day they debut on Xbox One, Microsoft said. That includes “Aftercharge,” “Supermarket Shriek,” “Mutant Year Zero,” “Pathologic 2,” “The Good Life,” “Void Bastards,” and “Secret Neighbor.” The sequel “Ori and the Will of the Wisps” will also be available on Game Pass alongside its global release in 2019.


Additionally, a new Xbox Game Pass app is officially available on iOS and Android, Microsoft announced on Saturday. It allows members to discover and download titles to their home consoles via mobile device, so they can quickly jump into a gaming session the next time they turn on their Xbox Ones. People who want to take advantage of this feature need to set their home consoles to “Instant On” and enable remote installations.


Finally, Microsoft said it’s offering a discount to new Xbox Game Pass subscribers. Between now and Jan. 3, people who sign up can receive their first full month for just $1.


    Thief of Thieves, siandien

    PUBG, lapkricio 12d.

    Agents of Mayhem, lapkricio 22d.

    MXGP3, lapkricio 22d.

    Thomas Was Alone, lapkricio 22

    Ori and The Blind Forest, gruodi

    Kingdom: Two Crowns, gruodi

    Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, gruodi


    Supermarket Shriek

    Mutant Year Zero

    Pathologic 2

    The Good Life

    Void Bastards

    Secret Neighbor

    Ori and the Will of the Wisps, isleidimo diena

XO18 irasas, apie kuri kazkaip nezinojau..


Taip pat tapo oficialu. MS isigyjo kompanijas: inXile Entertainment (Wasteland 2) Obsidian Entertainment (Fallout: New Vegas)

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Microsoft’s Building a Disc-Less Xbox One for Release in 2019


In the wake of the news that Sony will not be attending E3 next year, Microsoft’s hardware plans for 2019 will likely be a huge win for the brand and for gamers. The company is planning to release an updated console next year, but this device will not be in the Scarlett family, according to people familiar with the company’s plans.


The Scarlett devices are Microsoft’s next-gen consoles and are not expected until 2020 but in 2019, the company is planning to release a disc-less console. And if this is making you nervous because you have a large collection of physical discs for your current Xbox, Microsoft has you covered.


In addition to the new console, there will be a ‘disc-to-digital’ program that, as the name states, turns your physical games into digital downloads. The idea is that you can take your disc to a participating retailer (like the Microsoft store) and trade in your disc for a digital download.


The goal with the new console is to lower the price point for the hardware. Currently, it costs about $299 to buy into the Xbox One family of devices, Microsoft is looking to lower that price by possibly as much as $100; the new console price point is expected to be $200 or less.


If you like this kind of information, this content was uncovered while writing my upcoming book about Surface called Beneath a Surface (pre-order), which contains this information, along with the story of how Microsoft built its billion-dollar hardware brand.


In addition, the company also has a revised Xbox One S SKU that is targeted for later in the year that focuses solely on cost reduction but does feature a disc-drive for those who still prefer the traditional way to buy your games. Microsoft is moving forward very carefully with this product as it knows that a sizeable portion of its users do prefer to buy physical games and not download them.


As for Scarlett, Microsoft is still trying to decide if that console will include a disc drive but should be making the final decision here shortly.


Under Phil Spencer, Microsoft is investing heavily in its Xbox brand and announced the acquisition of a couple of new gaming studios over the weekend. When you pair this new hardware with the upcoming streaming service the company is developing, the road ahead for Xbox fans is incredibly bright.


With this new Xbox One S ‘slim’, and I don’t know what it’s retail name will be yet, the company is working on finding new ways to lower the cost of entry into the Xbox family without sacrificing the core gaming experience. Don’t be surprised if the company trims up other aspects of the console to help save a few pennies, although I don’t expect storage to be on the chopping block at this time.


As for when the console will become available? I had initially heard in the spring of 2019 was the target as this device is well on its path to production. As for when Microsoft will greenlight the product for retail distribution, that’s still to be determined and even though they could still cancel the device at this time, I do expect it to become available sometime next year.


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ta bediske versija X1 geras dalykas. pigesne bus.  man butu gerai PS4 pro be disko , nes niekad jokio disko as ten nedejau isvis. isskyrus ta kuris buvo jau idetas kai pirkau. 

bediske sistema butu gerai ir game pass . 

o game pass geras dalykas butent PC savininkam, nes nemazai zaidimu plius dar yra kad perki viena o losi ant ko nori pc ar konsoles. tokiu budu pvz butu galima pirma menesi uz $1 palost dabar Horizon 4.  

o su ta bediske sistema tai na nedaug truksta MS, tik pridek ekrana, baterija ir gausis nesiojamas X1. 

visu gerai zinomas Clifas Bleszinski visai nusivaziavo i dugna. o kazkada gerai jam buvo po MS sparneliu but priglaustam ir kurt Gears serija. sugalvojo sau zmogus kad eis ir darys pats vienas sau zaidimus kuriuos jis nori . na ir kas is viso to isejo?? kaip jis pat sako daugiau niekada nekurs jokio zaidimo.

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Pachter'is šitą variantą "nuleakino" prieš pusmeti, pora metų, kaip neprašauna su gandais, tiksliau labai atsargiai ir gražiai juos leakin'a, kaip ale savo nuomone kas kaip bus, o viskas pasitvirtina.

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Siaip butu idomu jeigu diskai butu nusluoti is rinkos. Kas dar palaiko disku kepima tai filmu, muzikos ir zaidimu industrijos. Na, bet cia laiko klausimas kaip ir su kitais dalykais kurie su laiko tapo atgyvena. Viskas dabar tampa skaitmenizuota. Tik aisku ir pacios technologijos turi tobuleti, kad galima butu pilnai pereiti.


Kad ir dabar siustis kokia 60 gigu zaidima ir ji instaliuoti trunka ne taip trumpai kaip noretusi.



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Siaip butu idomu jeigu diskai butu nusluoti is rinkos. Kas dar palaiko disku kepima tai filmu, muzikos ir zaidimu industrijos. Na, bet cia laiko klausimas kaip ir su kitais dalykais kurie su laiko tapo atgyvena. Viskas dabar tampa skaitmenizuota. Tik aisku ir pacios technologijos turi tobuleti, kad galima butu pilnai pereiti.


Kad ir dabar siustis kokia 60 gigu zaidima ir ji instaliuoti trunka ne taip trumpai kaip noretusi.




Na fully digital nelabai įmanomas dėl vienos pagrindinių rinkų - USA, ten internetas tragiškas, ten žmonės su palydovinių internetu sėdi, tad rinktis fully digital ir eliminuot viena pagridinių rinkų manau 10-15 metų tikrai negalės.

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atrodo kad MS ruosia bent 3 naujas konsoles, viena grynai next gen, po to X1S kazkoks dar naujesnis modeli , ir streamo konsole. bet jie netgi uzsimina apie next gen Pro konsole.  :chan:




Here’s a summary of everything that they have planned in the future, courtesy of Brad Sams and his article at Thurrott.

  • Disc-less XB1S will be released in Spring 2019. It will come with a subscription plan for 12 or 24 months of Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass.
  • Microsoft has two next-generation consoles: Scarlett and Scarlett Pro (codename Anaconda).
  • They are also working on a ‘Slim’ version of next-generation Xbox codenamed Lockhart.
  • Microsoft has plans to create new cloud-based servers using the XBX hardware. They are currently using the OG XB1 and have plans to upgrade them to XB1S.
  • They are working on a new development service that will streamline the process of creating new games or applications for their platforms: Xbox and Windows 10 Store.



kodel negali but viena nauja konsole ir daryt visa tai? kam reikia praeitos kartos konsoles dar sumazintos ? ka nauja konsole nebepalaikys praeitos dabartines kartos zaidimu ?  :poker:

na gerai tebu buna 2 naujos viena su disku kita grynai digital mini pigesne. 

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gandai takie, kad sekanciais metais planuoja isleisti pigia xbox one versija be bluray diskasukio. o 2020 xbox nextgen stream versija. truputi galingesne uz one x. ir 3 konsole bus normali tikra next gen. ir brangesne ir dar galingesne uz stream versija

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Microsoft says Xbox Live is heading to iOS, Android, and Switch


“Xbox Live is about to get MUCH bigger,” the description reads. “Xbox Live is expanding from 400M gaming devices and a reach to over 68M active players to over 2B devices with the release of our new cross-platform XDK.

“Get a first look at the SDK to enable game developers to connect players between iOS, Android, and Switch in addition to Xbox and any game in the Microsoft Store on Windows PCs.”

There’s no mention of a launch window, but the panel aims to explain how Xbox Live will work on these varied mobile devices. The plan is to make achievement histories, friends lists, clubs, “and more” accessible to subscribers when they’re not on their Xbox or PC.


xbox live bus prieinamas ant visu platformu android , ios ir netgi switch.

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keiciasi pavadinimas is Microsoft Studios i Xbox Game Studios. 

At Xbox, we believe when everyone plays, we all win. It’s why we’re passionate about building a portfolio of games for players across console, PC and mobile. As we’ve expanded our focus beyond the console, the Xbox brand has also evolved from its original roots. Today, Xbox is our gaming brand across all devices, no matter how or where you want to play, or who you want to play with.

In that spirit, I’m pleased to share that we are changing the name of our game development organization from Microsoft Studios to Xbox Game Studios.

Xbox Game Studios is made up of 13 distinct game development teams responsible for beloved franchises like Age of EmpiresForzaGears of War, Halo and Minecraft. The teams at 343 Industries, The Coalition, Compulsion Games, The Initiative, inXile Entertainment, Minecraft, Ninja Theory, Obsidian Entertainment, Playground Games, Rare, Turn 10 Studios, Undead Labs and our Global Publishing group are working hard to deliver incredible exclusives, original IP and all-new chapters from your favorite franchises.


13 dev studiju dabar bus po nauju pavadinimu ir jie siekia kad visa tai butu prieinama is visu irenginiu. 

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kaip MS ir buvo sake xbox zaidimai eis tiesiai is PC win 10. pirmi bandymai naujo Win 10 update duoda megint state of decay xbox versija ant win 10. 


It’s no secret that Microsoft has been looking at ways to get people without an Xbox One to play its games, and now an early version of the upcoming Windows 10 April 2019 Update (also known as 19H1) hints at how Microsoft is tweaking the operating system to potentially make it possible to play native Xbox games on PC.

As Brad Sams on explains, people who try out Windows 10 build 18334, the aforementioned early version of the April 2019 Update, also get a chance to try out Microsoft’s State of Decay game for free.
When you download State of Decay, rather than downloading the game from the Microsoft Store server (, which is usually where PC versions of Xbox games are kept, the game instead downloads from

It therefore looks like you're able to download the Xbox One version of the game, rather than a PC port. When the game is downloaded, it appears in the .xvc file format, which is an Xbox One file format, and this file can be installed using the updated PowerShell application in Windows 10 April 2019 Update.

Running the file pops up a legacy DirectX installation window. The latest build of the Windows 10 April 2019 Update also adds a new Gaming Service app (Microsoft.GamingServices) which installs two drivers xvdd.sys = XVD Disk Driver (Microsoft Gaming Filesystem Driver) gameflt.sys = Gaming Filter (Microsoft Gaming Install Filter Driver).

WalkingCat, a Twitter user who is well known for digging into Microsoft’s software for clues about what the company is planning, noted that xsapi.dll = Durango Storage API, XCrdApi.dll = Durango XCRDAPI are referenced in the files, and Durango was famously Microsoft’s codename for the Xbox One.

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