
Ką jūs veikiate karantino metu?

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Tikiuosi visi esat sveiki ir gyvi ?‍⚕️

Daug kur matyti yra atleidinėjami žmonės, verčiami eiti neapmokamų atostogų ir pan., o kaip sekasi jums?

Dirbate iš namų? Ilsitės? Kaip pasikeitė jūsų gyvenimas per šias paskutines savaites? Kaip išnaudojate šį atsiradusį laiką?

Aš pats kandagi freelance'inu iš namų, jau kurį laiką, tai realiai niekas ir nepasikeitė. Rečiau į parduotuvę vaikštau tik ir viskas. :)

Darbo atžvilgiu krūvis lieka panašus.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Mano gyvenimo Covid'as kaip ir ne koregavo. Kaip ir viskas tas pats apart, kad dabar susitinkant su pazistamais, barboros darbuotoju ar kurjeriu reikia tureti kauke uzsidejus.

Man atrodo, kad gal ir per daug informacijos apie sita virusa Lietuvoje. Suprantu, kad yra daug nesupratingu zmoniu kuriems dzin ant kitu, bet manau informacijos vistiek per daug apie tai.

As esu tokios nuomones, kad butu pas mus maziau susirgusiu jeigu butu buve iskart imtasi priemoniu. Atvaziavusius is uzsienio izoliuoti ir neisleisti nepasveikusius. Dabar gi turim ka turim ir tai ne pabaiga. Aisku Lietuvos verslininkams dabar puiki proga kelti tiek maisto tiek kitu produktu kainas. Bet cia Bananyja. Cia viskas galima ir niekas neturi irankiu tam pazaboti.

Esu pasalpinis tai su darbo problemo nesusiduriu. :) Gaila tik, kad buvo priimtas kazkoks darbo istatymas kuris yra, cia kas be ko, ne darbuotojui, o darbdaviui palankus. Kaip zmones atsilaikytu jeigu visa tai truktu kokius du menesius.. Nezinau.

p.s. Per tv rodys filma labai panasu i musu dabartine situacija. Pranasai.. Contagion

Redagavo Magnitas
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Dirbu ir džiaugiuos, jei neatšauks karantino po poros savaičių aš ir didžioji dalis mano pažystamų bedarbiai liks. Tai kurie mano aplinkos žmonės sėdėdami namuose ir visa diena skaitydami delfius, lrytus, facebook'us baigia nupušti su savo apokalipsėm ?  Graudu jau darosi.  Į platesnės diskusijas nesivelsiu šia tema, kad reikia karantino ir taip toliau bla bla bla. ? Dėl 90-mečių bankrota darome valstybei.

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Stengiuosi dirbti is namu, bet tenka iki darbo pavaziuoti kartais. Pats per daug nepergyvenu, bent jau spusciu nera. Pasiziurejau youtube kelias lietuviu "protu" nusisnekejimus (kazkoks dede Kazimieras yra, panasus i Lenina) tai apsidziaugiau, kad tokiom nesamonem nesitikiu, nes siule su plauku dziovintuvu pusti karsta ora i nosi ir koronavirusas pabegs :D

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@isstatu1 uz Soda geresniu vaistu nera ir nebus. :D Jeigu rimciau tai Soda istikro kartais pavartoju. ypac kai degina remeni. Nuima kaip su veduokle. Ir siaip pasisarminti kartais gerai organizma jeigu esame per daug rugstus. :D Tik tuo paciu nereikia persistengti. Cia biski ne i tema.

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Soda kitas reikalas. Bent jau normalus zinomi jos poveikiai. O va su plauku dziovintuvu pusti sau i veida tai yra visiski kliedesiai. Gerai, kad su masinos duslintuvu nesiulo pasikaitinti :D

Redagavo isstatu1

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Siek tiek parasysiu is uzsienio, kadangi gyvenu ir dirbu Vokietijoje. Gyvenu ne didmiestyje, netoli jo. Pas mus situacija nera bloga, visi saugosi, ne visi vaiksto su kaukem ir pirstinem, taciau atstumo laikosi visi. Maisto parduotuvese suzymeti atstumai kuriu turi laikytis pirkejai, pries ieinant i parduotuve, spec. darbuotojas apipurskia dez.skysciu rankas, viduje kitas darbuotojas stebi kad visi laikytusi atstumo, kasininkai apsaugoti akriliniu stiklu nuo klientu, kai kurios parduotuves riboja parduotuveje esanciu zmoniu skaiciu ir ileidzia tiek zmoniu kiek ju iseina. Dirba tik butiniausiu prekiu parduotuves: maisto, statybu. Asmeniskai dirbu kaip dirbes, tik darbo apkrova siek tiek sumazejusi. Nepaliaujama informacija apie COVID asmeniskai vargina, taciau vis dar gyvenam kaip zmones, savaitgaliais pagrilinam. Asmeniskai naudoju pirstines kai iseinu is namu bei daznai plaunu/dezinfekuoju rankas. Kaukiu po 30 EU. uz 10 vnt. pirkti nesiruosiu taciau stengiuosi lankytis tik maisto prekiu parduotuveje bei i darba zinoma. Na o gyvenimas pasikeite tuom jog negaliu gryzti atsotogu pas vaika..

Redagavo SoulReaver

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Dirbu is namu. Visai normaliai sekasi mums dirbti, galvojau visi reikalai sustos. 





prieš 5 valandas, SoulReaver parašė:

Kaukiu po 30 EU. uz 10 vnt. pirkti nesiruosiu

Turbut ir uz tiek pirkciau, jei butu kur nors.

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atostogavau pora savaiciu kas baigsis jau 4 tadieni. tai vel i darba o veikiau tai zaidziau daug Division 2 nauja LDc ir su masina laksciau visur . turiu darbiniu respiratoriu pora tai nesiojau tuos , kas dirba panasiose salygose tai respiratoriu aisku turi, cia jum ne medicinines kaukes. 





karantinas miske atrodo kaip eiline sauni diena . pameginkit. ten viskas svaru ir gaivu

 plius dar nuleki i miska uir gauni tai


aisku ir pavalgai tuo paciu



Redagavo scalman
  • Patinka 4
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na plius pasirode zmoniu intelektas arba siaip protavimas paprastas per kritines situacijas, parduoptuves tai nepritruks juk prekiu bet netgi pas mus kazkodel visiem pasirode kad reikia uzsipirkt ten kruopom ir koncervais. Nieko panasaus nedariau nes aisku kad parcuotuvese po keliu dienu vel visko gausi be prob, tik nereikia b* kasdiena visiem i LIDL varyt ten tai kazkokia nesamone. Nejau isvis i jokia parduotuve kuri neturi savitarnos kasu ir tik su kortele visur pirkau. kaip ir kura pyliau. taigi digital viskas ir appsai cia padejo kaip niekad. vistiek dar pilna neprotaujanciu zmoniu visur ... ir tu gryzusiu debilu is uzsienio kurie jau ale gryzo namo dabar uodegas pabruke ir daro nesamones cia tik blogina situacija. 

Redagavo scalman

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Aš tai dirbu kaip dirbau. Po darbo dar vonia remontuoju, tai užsiėmimo netrūksta. Dezinfekuoju rankas, kauke užsidedu eidamas i parduotuve ir tiek. Džiaugiuosi eismu be kamščių. Tik su parduotuvėm statybinių medžiagų baigiu prasikeikt. 

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Pas mane darbas nuo to nesustojo, o dėl karintino irgi laikomės su drauge tvarkos ji namie per dienas sėdi, o aš namai ir darbas, aišku į savaitę kartą į parduotuvę. 



Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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prieš 12 valandų, Magnitas parašė:

@SoulReaver Kadangi tamsta uzsieni, kaip ten reikalai su tualetiniu? Ar yra kazkokiu krizes apraisku del jo nebuvimo?



Kvailiu yra visur. Pirmomis dienomis pas mus su popierium buvo viskas tvarkoj, taciau kai medijoj pradejo plisti video irasai is uzsienio su vaizdais kaip zmones reidina parduotuves del popieriaus, Vokieciai taip pat pagalvojo jog butu neblogai jo daugiau tureti. Keleta dienu nebuvo lengva jo rasti (ypac kai pas tave liko 2 ruloneliai) taciau vienoje vietineje parduotuveje jo radau, pasiemem pakeli ir tiek. Po poros dienu imone kurioje dirbu visiems darbuotojams isskyre nemokamai po dideli poka popieriaus bei ranku dezinfekcinio skyscio.


Redagavo SoulReaver

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@scalman Jau nebe tie laikai, kad prekiu parduotuves neturetu. Cia kazkas Anti padare, o tada banga aviu pradejo daryti ta pati. Blogesnis dalykas, kad dabar kainos prekiu kosmines. Ir ypac lietuvoje tendencija, kad kai zmones kazka perka ir daug tai reikia ta preke branginti dvigubai. Gobsumas daro savo. Pasiziurejau ka anksciau pirkau tai puse prekiu vos ne euru pakelta. Ka dar pastebejau, kad vaisiu ar dar kokiu prekiu pakuote sumazejo, bet kaina pakilo. Gaila, kad valstybe neigali kazka padaryti su tuo.

Siaip technologijos gerai, bet musu senjorai nei appsus tures nei bekontaktinemis kortelemis naudosis. Pinigas rankoje yra pinigas. Kaip tu Digital eura pvz., sudeginsi. :D

@SoulReaver Geroje vietoje dirbi. Arba Vokieciai supratingi siuo atveju pasitaike. Aisku ne kai sluojo popieriu, o kai dave. :D Dabar pasaulis zinos, kad reikia ne del vandens rupintis, o del popieriaus.

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    • @cheburator Visai pamiršau apie jį po to kai xbox showcase tiek gėrio parodė    
    • Nu vyrai, žaidimas jau metų gale bus prieinamas kaip early access, o jūs nieko nepostinat apie jį 😄 Jei trumpai, tai visgi žaidimas bus atskiras nuo pirmos dalies. Sunkesnis, lėtesnis. Cross-play, cross-progression, couch co-op (t.y. dviese su viena konsole bus galima žaisti). 100 bosų. Draugiškesnis naujiems žaidėjams.  
    • Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time. Hello everyone, I'm delighted to introduce myself to this vibrant community. I'm a seasoned internet marketing professional hailing from the charming town of Wallingford, CT, nestled in the heart of the United States. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I've had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of the digital marketing landscape and have been an active participant in shaping its trajectory. When I'm not immersed in the dynamic world of online marketing or providing consultation to enthusiastic newcomers, you can find me in my backyard oasis, tending to my tropical plants. The art of gardening, much like the intricacies of marketing, requires patience, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. I'm thrilled to be a part of this forum, where I hope to share my insights, learn from fellow members, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Let's embark on this digital journey together, one click at a time.
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