
Mass Effect 3

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Jau visą savaitę kaip galvoju apie tą pabaigą. Iš pradžių pabaiga atrodė visiškai be ryšio. Bet po to pažiūrėjau video apie "indocrination theory" ir viskas taip logiškiau atrodo, bet štai bioware padarys tą "Extended cut DLC". Tai taip atrodo, kad čia ne tas indocrination - Gausime daugiau to "godchild", normandy kažkur skrendančią ir t.t., vienu žodžiu to pačio šūdo. Stupudovai, bus įdėta tik cutscenes apie tuos musų squadmates(pvz.. Jack, Javik, Wrex). Vienu žodžiu tos paskutinės 15 min. sugadino visą seriją, žiauriai nusivyliau. :whistling:

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Jau visą savaitę kaip galvoju apie tą pabaigą. Iš pradžių pabaiga atrodė visiškai be ryšio. Bet po to pažiūrėjau video apie "indocrination theory" ir viskas taip logiškiau atrodo, bet štai bioware padarys tą "Extended cut DLC". Tai taip atrodo, kad čia ne tas indocrination - Gausime daugiau to "godchild", normandy kažkur skrendančią ir t.t., vienu žodžiu to pačio šūdo. Stupudovai, bus įdėta tik cutscenes apie tuos musų squadmates(pvz.. Jack, Javik, Wrex). Vienu žodžiu tos paskutinės 15 min. sugadino visą seriją, žiauriai nusivyliau. :whistling:



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Nuosirdziai taves gaila, jei taip manai. As kogero vienintelis kuris buvau viskuo patenkintas

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Man ME3 pabaiga - tai sunkiausia ir ilgiausiai besitęsianti apsisprendimo akimirka žaidimuose. Gal kokių 30-40 min. bėgiodavau iš vienos vietos iki kitos vis niekaip negalėdamas apsispręsti kokios pabaigos noriu ir ką esu pasiryžęs paaukoti. Pabaiga gal ir nebuvo tokia "epic" kaip pradžia, bet atsisveikinimas su įgula labai patiko.

Redagavo tymbarkFM

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Kad ta pabaiga apskritai nelogiška..vien tas faktas, kad nariai su kuriais žemėj iki pat galo eini galiausiai atsiranda normandy, I mean wut? Teleportacija? :DD Ir apskritai yra daugybę faktų dar..čia pabaiga, kuri kupina skylių, nesueina daug kas. Ir joo žadėjo, kad kiekvienas padarytas sprendimas per 3 žaidimus atsispindės pačioj pabaigoj, o čia kas..ant galo visi sprendimai moraliniai nieko nereiškia. Aplamai tą kovą prieš galaktikos prieš reapers galėjo padaryt kažkokio panašaus principo, kaip ME 2 suicide mission. Tada matytum, jog visus war assets rinkai ne be reikalo.

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Ne į temą

Nuosirdziai taves gaila, jei taip manai. As kogero vienintelis kuris buvau viskuo patenkintas


Na ir kas tau taip ten patiko? Tas godchild kuris atrodo kaip žmogus, nors p****, kad tas cycle tęsiasi milijonus metų? O gal tą teleportaciją į normandy? O gal dar kaip ir drake345 sakė, bioware prikniso visiems proto, kad viskas atsispindės pabaigoje? Aš tai pavyzdžiui net nebenoriu peržaistų tų visų ME žaidimų, žinodamas, kad vis tiek atsidursiu toj pačioj pabaigoj.(gal ir nerišliai prašiau, bet supratot). Tiesiog nėra visiškai, jokios logikos toje pabaigoje. Jeigu viskas būtų shepardo galvoje tai viskas būtų aišku, bet dabar...

Kad ir kaip mylėčiau Bioware, dauguma pripažįsta, kad ME3 ending sucks balls. :whistling:


Redagavo Vinsanty

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Geguzes 29/30 dienomis.



Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack


Reinforcements are being deployed to all N7 forces, bringing out some heavy hitters thanks to the new Mass Effect 3 Rebellion DLC Pack! Arriving on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network and PC on Tuesday, May 29 (Wednesday, May 30 on the PSN in Europe), the Mass Effect 3 Rebellion Pack will be bringing you more gear, more weapons, more maps, and more kits, available at no additional cost for anyone who redeemed an Online Pass for Mass Effect 3 on PC, PS3 or Xbox 360.


The Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion opens two new fronts against the Reapers: Firebase Jade’s jungle reservoir and Firebase Goddess on Thessia. In-game reinforcement packs now include three new weapons (Reegar Carbine, Krysae Sniper Rifle, Cerberus Harrier) as well as equipment, consumables, and six new characters from species that have lost lives or whole planets to the Reapers: Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator, Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel, Ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard. The battle continues!



Vorcha Soldier


Thanks to their unique physiology and their Bloodlust ability, the Vorcha are joining the fight and are perfectly suited for the utilitarian soldier kit.


Vorcha Sentinel


The innate aggressiveness found within the Vorcha make them shockingly durable combatants, and when coupled with their Flamer skill, the Vorcha sentinel is a force to be reckoned with.


Male Quarian Engineer


Quarians have spent centuries at perpetual salvage and ship repair; the survival of their species depends on this technical expertise. When bringing the new Arc Grenade to the fray, the Quarians prove their prowess as effective engineers on the battlefield.


Male Quarian Infiltrator


The Male Quarian Infiltrator must actively rely on stealth while in the heat of battle, and when they make use of their Tactical Scan ability, they quickly prove their mettle while continuously dishing out the pain.


Ex-Cerberus Vanguard


When the Illusive Man turned to indoctrination in order to ensure the loyalty of his troops, many Cerberus operatives defected and joined the Alliance in order to stop the Reapers. Now that we’re on the same team, Ex-Cerberus Vanguards (along with their new Lash attack) are quickly proving their worth.


Ex-Cerberus Adept


A result of the Illusive Man’s early experiments in enhanced human physiology, Ex-Cerberus subjects are highly skilled combat and biotics specialists. As a result, Ex-Cerberus Adepts can lay waste to the enemy with their Smash and Singularity powers.





Firebase Jade – Surrounded by huge waterfalls, Firebase Jade overlooks an ancient reservoir built by the salarians centuries ago. Set up strategic chokepoints inside the base’s main buildings to get the jump on your enemy, and work with your team to meticulously clear each room to achieve victory.


Firebase Goddess – Nestled in the epicenter of a Thessian metropolis, Firebase Goddess is one of the last strongholds of asari resistance against the Reapers. With its circular layout, Firebase Goddess is a tough location to control. This arena combines heavy cover and elevated firing positions, so stay light on your feet.




Cerberus Harrier Assault Rifle – These Cerberus-modified Mattock rifles are fully automatic. Cerberus gunsmiths reined in the recoil issues, resulting in a gun that stay on target, but delivers slightly less punch per round than a standard Mattock. As such, the weapon is typically utilized by Cerberus’ elite troopers, who train constantly to make every burst count.

Reegar Carbine Shotgun – This electrical weapon improves upon the arc pistol’s design by generating a sustained current on its target. This weapon is named for the Quarian Reegar family, whose marines have served valiantly against the Geth.

Krysae Sniper Rifle – This Turian antimaterial rifle is modified to kill Reaper enemies. The Krysae’s scope uses a rangefinder that adjusts to keep the target in proper proportion to the shooter, which comes in useful when the sniper is forced into close range. Its specialized ammunition is both armor-piercing and explosive. In a desperate move, the Turians released its specifications over the extranet so that nearly anyone with a fabricator could manufacture this weapon to help the war effort.




Randomly occurring during waves 3, 6 and 10, this new objective will demand that teams retrieve a high priority package and securely escort it to a designated extraction zone on each map.




A new slot will be available on the equipment screen, offering players a persistent gameplay bonus that will not expire after the end of a match. These new items will vary from weapon upgrades to character enhancements and will be available through reinforcement packs.







Redagavo scalman

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Wow, tiesiog wow.. Katik prisiverčiau pabaigt ME3 ir dabar skaitau, kad JŪS KAŽKOKĮ TAI PASIRINKIMĄ TURĖJOT DARYT ?? Srsly ? Arba aš per greitai sulošiau pabaigą ir kažką praleidau, arba man tikrai neleido nieko pasirinkt :D

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Wow, tiesiog wow.. Katik prisiverčiau pabaigt ME3 ir dabar skaitau, kad JŪS KAŽKOKĮ TAI PASIRINKIMĄ TURĖJOT DARYT ?? Srsly ? Arba aš per greitai sulošiau pabaigą ir kažką praleidau, arba man tikrai neleido nieko pasirinkt :D


Kaip ir as per greit pervarei ten nieko daug nedarydamas, tai ir gavai tik 1.

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Na nesistengiau kuo greičiau žaidimą pabaigt, atrodo ir į kairę kartais nusukdavau, side questus padarydavau, bet gal tiek ir reikėjo. Nežinau ar noriu antrą kartą lošt :D

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Noone. ME3 pabaiga, Sux. Ir viskas tuom pasakyta. Laukiam DLC ar kokio sh, kur turetu tipo kita pabaiga padaryt. Nes dabar visi pasirinkimai is esmes buvo boronkos verti. :megusta:

Redagavo Deadalus

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Ketvirtadienį išeina "nauja" pabaiga. Gal bent kažkiek geriau bus.

BioWare announced the new, extended ending for Mass Effect 3 is available to download for free starting this coming Tuesday, June 26 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.


"The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3," BioWare said. "It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions."


The extended ending adds additional scenes and epilogue sequences. "It provides more of the answers and closure that players have been asking for. It gives a sense of what the future holds as a result of the decisions made throughout the series. And it shows greater detail in the successes or failures based on how players achieved their endings."


The studio published a FAQ that hopefully answers any remaining questions you might have.


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Tai nera nauja pabaiga, o tik esamos pratesimas. Truputi apie DLC


"How much is the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut is available to

download at no additional charge.

When does the Extended Cut release?

The Extended Cut will release on June

26th on Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3

in North America and July 4th for

PlayStation 3 in Europe.

How large is the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut requires roughly 1.9

gigabytes of storage.

How do I get the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut can be downloaded

from Xbox LIVE, Origin on PC, and

PlayStation Network at no additional


What is included in the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut expands on the

endings of Mass Effect 3 through

additional scenes and epilogue

sequences. It provides more of the

answers and closure that players have

been asking for. It gives a sense of what

the future holds as a result of the

decisions made throughout the series.

And it shows greater detail in the

successes or failures based on how

players achieved their endings.

Does the Extended Cut change the


The Extended Cut is an expansion of

the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It

does not fundamentally change the

endings, but rather it expands on the

meaning of the original endings, and

reveals greater detail on the impact of

player decisions.

What save game should I load to play

the Extended Cut?

[spoilerS] To experience the Extended

Cut, load a save game from before the

attack on the Cerberus Base and play

through to the end of the game. The

Extended Cut endings will differ

depending on choices made throughout

the Mass Effect series, so multiple

playthroughs with a variety of different

decisions will be required to experience

the variety of possibilities offered by the

new content."

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Sveiki. Neesu didelis RPG fanas, bet nutariau išbandyti šį žaidimą ir susidūriau su problema. Nelabai suprantu kaip ten tame kosminiame laive reikia toliau vykdyti story misijas, nu ten žinau kad reikia tame galaxy map'e, bet aš ten nelabai susigaudau, tai gal kas galėtumėte patarti kaip ten ką daryt? :D

Redagavo Flashas

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